... a place for retreat
Rest /Sabbatical​
... not a unit of production
but a child of God...
worthy of spending time
with Him.
Rest / Sabbatical:
Offering a beautiful quiet place to get away on your own. Uninterrupted time and space for rest, renewal, and creativity.
Whether you're looking for:
a couple days of solitude
a week or two of stress leave
a longer sabbatical
a study retreat
a writing retreat
a place to rest & renew
...we invite you to come.
Rest / Sabbatical:
Sabbatical is an extended sabbath; a time for a long rest. Many people were taught that Sabbath was a day when there were many things they were "not allowed" to do; but in reality, Sabbath was originally given to help us understand that we are not a unit of production, but a child of God, worthy of spending time with Him. It's a time to rest and delight in His blessings. You too are worthy of taking a time to rest and delight, not only in the blessings you've received, but also to allow time to realize that God delights in you.
This often happens as we walk on the beach, stroll in the woods, or sit in the outdoor chapel overlooking the Bay. Listening to the sounds of the waves on the shore, the birds' song, and of the wind blowing through the trees leads us to hear the affirmation of the still small voice of God.
We often talk about the value of the three S's.
Silence leads you to an awareness of your thoughts, so you can either accept them or reject them.
Solitude gives you a chance to accept yourself, so you can then accept others.
Sabbath allows you to rest and delight... to know who you are in God's eyes, someone He delights in and longs to spend time with.
Being silent in the cottage, watching the fire in the woodstove, and looking out over the bay, watching the tide come and go, can bring rest and renewal. As you hike to the lighthouse, or to one of three nearby beaches, or along the trails Inthestillness, you can find your own secluded spot to rest.
Or maybe it will be sitting in the outdoor chapel, or in St. Kevin's Oratory (private prayer chapel) or perhaps walking the labyrinth...Inthestillness ... it's a place for rest.